Saturday, March 14, 2015

Poop by the Trimester

I’m full of shit. No seriously. Today I’m literally full of shit. Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnancy in which your pooping habits completely change and you have no idea what’s normal. Don’t poop for days on end? Kinda normal. Have to make runs to the bathroom because you’re pooping too much just a few days later? Kinda normal. Your poop becoming bright orange, green or even blue? Kinda Normal.

This is this shit they don’t tell you about. Again. Literally.

Your first trimester you’re lucky if you can poop at all and if you are pooping its probably because of your vitamins and its coming out way too suddenly for anyone’s enjoyment. On top of this your diet changes and your new intake of fresh veggies and fruits means a color change in your poop. This can be drastic and weird and (if you’re me at least) you’ll really want to take a picture to send to someone and like… is this normal?! Answer: Yup, kinda normal.

Then you hit the second trimester and all of a sudden you can eat with impunity because the nausea has worn off and you find yourself gorging on an entire box of fruit loops in one weekend (yes, I totally did this). Come Monday, your poop has turned a nuclear green and you might be wondering if you need to go to the hospital… or is this something normal? I’m not sure if its normal but it’s certainly not unexpected. Apparently when you eat a shit ton (not literally this time) of dyes you’re poop will turn a weird shade of green.

Then you get chastised by your midwife for gaining 13 pounds in 6 weeks and you cut out the fruit loops and the breads and all the sugar and you eat loads of veggies and stuff with fiber and the shit that comes out of you is just… well.. black. Its as if you colon hasn’t been cleaned out in months and the forthcoming sludge is hard as a brick, FEELS like a brick as it comes out of your anus and has the color (and the smell) of death. Don’t even get me started on farts…

I am capable of stinking my husband out of a room these days. Beyond that, I am capable of stinking MYSELF out of a room these days. My own farts don’t even smell right to me! Is this normal?! Yup, kinda normal.

Now I’ve entered into the third trimester and my little in utero man has decided to hang out on my intestines. I can now eat with impunity, am eating healthy but my poop can only come out when he’s not got his wee little feet wrapped up in my colon. What does that mean? Oh that means when I do poop I have to flush at least twice because I’m afraid my own logs will clog the toilet. I had no idea that my little body could make such girthy logs.. is that normal? Apparently it’s not completely unheard of and it’s certainly kinda normal.

Pretty much anything that comes out… as long as it comes out eventually.. is relatively normal. Black and yellow, green or slightly putrid white? Yup kinda normal.

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